Tired of formulaic Tolkienesque derivatives? Finished with Final Fantasy? Wheel of Time have you going in circles? Write you own best selling fantasy novel with these invaluable tips, such as, “All fantasy worlds are roughly square. i.e. the shape of the double page of a paperback.” Hey, if Brian Herbert can do it, so can you!
While you’re waiting for “The Grue-ing Adventure” to get back from the publisher’s, dig into the web-based RPG Kingdom of Loathing. Choose one of six awesome character classes, such as the Disco Bandit or Turtle Tamer, and embark on a quest to loot the planet for Meat and obtain exciting items, such as the Asparagus Knife and eXtreme Mittens.
I’m quanta8, a Level 3 Pastamancer (Noodle Neophyte). See you there.