A localized version of David Seah’s compact calendar.
The changes:
* populated calendar with Canadian public holidays
* populated calendar with provincial and territorial holidays (even Orangemen’s Day)
* fixed typo in titles of both Sunday versions to say “Week Starting Sunday”
Because while we think the United States is a very nice country, we don’t celebrate the 4th of July. We celebrate Canada Day:
Download 2007 Compact Calendar Canadian Version (English) (zipped Excel files)
You missed a few in the calendar…
Feb 23 – Heritage Day (Yukon)
April 9 – Easter Monday (Nunavut)
June 21 – Aboriginal Day (NWT)
July 9 – Nunavut Day (Nunavut)
Sorry, but I’m going by the official list of public holidays according to the Canadian government: http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/cpsc-ccsp/jfa-ha/index_e.cfm
The official Canada Gov list doesn’t include the new Saskatchewan Family Day provincial holiday which matches the Alberta holiday (third Monday in Feb). Also, you have Alberta Day on the second monday in Feb, should be third monday. Thanks for the Canadian version of this calendar!