Interesting fact: the conference was also presented online in realtime to attendees around the world. They used ePresence, a LiveMeeting-esque interactive webcasting system developed at UofT. They plan to release that software as open source in the near future.
- Daniel Allen has set up the unofficial wiki for OSCONF.
- Slashdot With links to articles from the Ottawa Citizen and Newsforge.
- Only covers the morning of Day 2, and then angles it as Young (Red Hat) vs. Matusow (MS).
- GrokLaw PJ expresses interest in the ePresence system used for webcasting this conference.
Webcasts of the conference will be also be available for free on the website.
Pet Peeves
Scheduling: This conference could have easily been four days. Day 2 ended at 9pm AT NIGHT. And many attendees were turned away from the microphones due to lack of time.
Do what we say, not as we do: In Day 1, Brad Behndorf apologized before hand if his slides were a bit messed up, since the presenter laptop used PowerPoint. Gary from Teledyn pointed out the conference website ran on Microsoft IIS 6.0. It