Warming Woofer’s house

To get to London, it’s half an hour on the TTC, 2-3 hours on the VIA train, and another half an hour on London Transit. It’s the least Silverlotus and I could do. After all, we dragged Woofer to our wedding in Mexico. Mind you, in Mexico, it wasn’t cold and rainy. 🙂

We met many of Woofer’s friends and acquaintances as we converged to his new house in north London. Learned how to play mah-jongg. We helped cook a pizza, which just came out of the oven as we were heading out the door to catch the train homeward bound. The crust was unfortunately blackened and burnt – which wasn’t surprising though, considering we set off the smoke detector three times…If you were at the London train station at about 7pm last night, you would have seen two people feverishing eating the toppings off of a pizza.

As a gift, Silverlotus and I got Woofer the Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House, the codex of all matters of the apron and hamper.

The trip was also one down memory lane. It’s been almost two years since I’ve bid London farewell. It’s ironic that the moment I move back to TO, a friend of mine takes my place in the Forest City.

Downtown still has many vacancies, although many shops and restaurants still have stood their ground. There doesn’t seem to be any new ones, though: it’s as if the existing merchants have just moved around and traded spots. Some things haven’t changed at all, to my delight: my ExpressVu satellite dish is still on the wall of our old apartment!