“$35,000 of rocket is now a whole lot of primo Armadillo Droppings. There are a few pipe fittings that survived, but that’s about it. It’s a good thing Doom 3 is selling very well…”
– John Carmack’s assessment of the crash landing of his X-Prize contender. Carmack works at Armadillo Aerospace as well as id Software.
“I used to have this chat-up line, my only chat-up line, as a little test: Imagine you’re walking on a path – what’s the path like? Imagine you go to the woods – what does the forest look like?”
– Peter Molyneux, creator of simulation games such as Populous and Black and White, on his innovative strategy in picking up women.
“Ask kids in the back of a car on a two-hour trip, ‘Hey, would you like to have your videos there?’ My kids would. I guess Steve’s kids just listen to Bach and Mozart. But mine, they want to watch ‘Finding Nemo.’ I don’t know who made that, but it’s really a neat movie.”
– Bill Gates, pointing out the advantages of the Portable Media Center vs. Apple’s iPod music player. Finding Nemo was made by Pixar, of which Steve Jobs is CEO.