Two thumbs up for copyrights

Crackberry users can breathe a sigh of relief (before going back to their Blackberries whilst zoning out their colleagues and loved ones): an Ontario Court has sided with RIM over Atari in a copyright infringement battle regarding RIM’s seminal time-wasting games, BrickBreaker and Meteor Crusher. Atari had alleged that those two games were plagarisms of Atari’s ’80’s arcade games, Breakout and Asteroids.

Historians and anthropologists agree that “BrickBreaker” has been one of the largest timewasters in the history of mankind, next to “the Great Wall of China”, “the Canadian goverment gun registry”, “the Dark Ages”, and “Australia’s $89 million Internet porn filter“. Incidentally, BrickBreaker is followed by “Blackberry Mail” on the list.

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