Cha cha cha ching

A few weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon, I learned the fundamentals of the tango, the cha-cha, the rhumba, and the waltz.

Being the person I am, I mentally broke down the various dances as subsets of each other. For example, the rhumba is basically the cha-cha without the middle “cha” step. The waltz is the tango two-step executed along two dimensions instead of one. (No wonder the 19th century British social elite called the waltz “indecent” and “obscene”.)

Hours later, I also learned that one could have two wills. I was attending a seminar being hosted by my financial provider on such topics as small business tax deductions and emerging markets from a variety of financial professionals, including the VP of global operations for Manulife Financial. Afterward, they also taught us how to dance. What can I say, my advisor is unique and creative.

The audience was mostly older people working as general practitioners in the fields of medicine or dentistry. Very scrupulous people. During lunch, I noticed everyone polished their plates clean. I was a rebel and left a cherry tomato behind…