
If you’re not moving forward, you’re standing still: Comments for: Half-Life 2 Bundling? – ja.zz

#8 By: Gmd [ Reply ]
Damn, time to sell 9800 pro 256mb, anyone want it?
Aug 3rd, 2003 14:23:43

#8, 50 bux shackmsg me : armybob (#9)
#8, 51 bux shackmsg me 🙂 : Optimus Prime (#10)
#10, fuck : armybob (#14)
#14, lol! i’ll chip in $1.25 to your cause. armybob is now at $51…. : lichee (#21)
#8, my arm + my leg. deal? : SlamDunk (#20)
#20, throw in your head and ill sell you my detatchable penis! : Snifter_42 (#36)
#36, Do it! It’s a good deal! : Aubrey Philipsz (#56)
#8, who would want that old obsolete thing? : mrtony (#43)
#8, 52 bux shackmsg me :):) : inkninja (#54)