Sketchy Sheraton

Why do I hate the Sheraton Toronto? Let’s count the ways, as witnessed last night:

* human waste in the toilet of our room
* plugged bathtub that was slowly running
* waiter at Bistro on Two took 15 minutes to fix a credit card overcharge
* pool changerooms have no towels
* At 9:30pm, the hotel’s entire security system crashed, and we were all locked out of our rooms. We were wet, tired, sans keys and money and holding swimming suits. Despite many broken promises by staff, confusion reigned in the lobby until a security guard let us into our room almost two hours later. While sitting in the hall we did meet some nice people from Brisbane, Chicago, Israel, Seoul, Boston, and New Jersey (although they initially claimed they were from New York).
* broken hotel room deadbolt

Total compensation for this crap (both figuratively and literally): two Cineplex Odeon movie passes and 1000 Starwood Points (value: $50). The front desk and the hotel manager were friendly and apologetic, but felt this was adequate compensation. The reason was I used a gift certificate good for free accomodation from last year for, ironically, terrible service.

Little does the hotel manager know, Starwood Points are of no use to me. I’m never going to stay in the Sheraton Toronto ever again.